This week’s testimonial comes from Rosanna of Italy. Like last week’s customer feature, Rosanna has an Allerum sofa bed, a great solution for making the most of your space in line with on-trend Compact Living. Rosanna chose to revamp her Allerum in a chic Old Gold cover from Bemz in 100% machine washable Panama Cotton.
Here’s what Rosanna has to say, “Thank you very much for the quick delivery. Quality, size, colour: PERFECT! My compliments for your excellent service! Wishing you all the best for a prosperous futuer for Bemz and the whole team. Thank you again for your collaboration and assistance.”
Grazie mille right back at you Rosanna! Thank you so much for sharing your home with us. And may we compliment you on your choice of cover. The rich colour and texture adds a rich warmth to your room, picking up tones from your stylish collection of hanging plates and artwork
If you have a Bemz cover, why not send in a photo and inspire us? Send it to us at blog[at] or upload it directly to our Facebook page.
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